Friday, January 17, 2020

Marriage practices

In the Cooper Eskimos area, the prospective son-in-law worked as a servant for the girl's father for a period of three or four years, generally before she reached puberty. Bride service among the Cooper Eskimos was often Supplemental, and sometimes replaced by payments of valuable articles† (Dams, Divide Demographic Aspects of Central Eskimos Marriage Practices. American Ethnologist, Volvo. 2. No 3 (Gauge 1975). Up. 409-413. Http//www. ASTOR. Org/page/info/about/policies/ terms. Jsp). The three major groups of Eskimos were first designated as tribes by members of the fifth Thule Expedition and these three groups are Guilt, Entitles, and Cooper.Information from Nineteenth and early twentieth century describes that each of the tribal units are relatively discreet. With trade routes that intersect in Central Artic Contract between different tribes is most likely very short. There was intermarriages between Mackenzie Eskimos woman marrying into the Cooper Eskimo tribes. There have also been cases of intermarriages between Flimflamming Eskimos and Entails Eskimos and there also hostility between these two groups also. The Entitles had four cases of polygamy compared to two cases of polyandry. However, the census said otherwise.The Census shows there were three cases of polygamy to two cases of polyandry. â€Å"Rasmussen (1931 : 195) believed that two woman would be more compatible in sharing a husband than two men in sharing a wife. This explanation begs the question of the nature of Eskimo personality. † ( Dams, David. Demographic Aspects of Central Eskimos Marriage Practices. American Ethnologist. Volvo. 2 No. 3 (Gauge. 1975). Up 409-413. Http://www. ASTOR. Org/ page/ info/ about/ politics/ terms. ]SP). The Jewish ethnic traditions has some marriage practices that differ from other traditions. The Mishap's generally are observant and religious.According to Zionist ideology, ethnic intermarriages is a means of creating a single, unified cultures among Jews in Israel ( Risen 1982). Migrate couples were less educated than those of the mixed couples. They usually married with in the Shaken tradition. In the Shaken community the ones who were less educated, married Migrate would Join the next generation. The group of Shaken education is relatively higher than it probably would be if they didn't do the mixed marriages. Education plays a large role in whether they marry into the Shaken or less economically advantaged Mishap's.Patterns of intermarriage are thus challenging concepts of race and ethnicity and are leading to complex views of ethnic and racial boundaries (Harris and Simi 2002; Hiroshima 2003; Roquefort and Brunets 2002). Jews can trace their roots in Israel past their grandparent's generation. In Israel context, the assimilation hypothesis suggest that the greater contact of educated Migrate with Shamanism has led to the erosion of their Migrate ethnic consciousness, more frequent intermarriages, the consequent concentratio n of Migrate ethnicity in the lower classes (Ben-Rafael 1982).A well-off educated Migrate would marry a poorly educated Shaken. Jews consider marriages to be the ideal state of personal existence, when you have a woman without a man and a man without a wife they consider it to be incomplete. Their engagement of marriage was usually brought about by a third person, which was also known as a match-maker. Although the marriages were the concerns of their parents, the children were not forced into marriage over their objections.When they are at the ceremony for marriage, the groom is given the ring and says his declaration, the bride does not have to respond, and she Just accepts the ring from the groom and then closes her hand to show that she accepts. Then the bride and groom drink a glass of wine together. After the ceremony is over the groom steps on glass, the broken pieces of glass is supposed to tell them how many years the marriage will last between the couple. The Jews and Eski mos had some things that each culture's did for their marriage practices that were alike and some that were different.In the Jew culture they married off the girls at a very young age. The parents usually had their children's marriages arranged by a matchmaker. They had confidence that the matchmakers would bring a proper spouse for their daughter to marry. Back then the father could marry off his daughter between the ages of three and twelve years of age, which was known to be called cetacean (little one). Which was completely subject to her father's authority and could arrange the marriage without daughter's approval. The marriages without the daughter's saying â€Å"l want this one†, was considered effective gal marriages.Now the daughters have a say if they want to marry the guy that's picked out for them. If it's not who they want then they go out and find who they want. The Eskimos parents also made marriage arrangements for their daughters. Their marriages were sought through kinship. They were also married off at a young age, married before they had their first menstrual period and began bearing children three to four years later. The men in the two cultures were not able to marry the girls till they could prove they could support them and have a home for them.The Eskimo sys were forced with different sets of requirements, they were not old enough for marriage till they proved themselves capable as hunter and providers. Also had to be able to build a snow house or hunt large game unassisted, he was not considered mature enough to take on and support a wife if he couldn't do them. After they proved those steps then before marriage they had to Join the father in laws house hold. During the trial marriage period they worked for the father in laws for three to four years or until the young couple was mature enough to establish a separate house hold.In the Jews culture the young men Just had to be able to provide a home for their soon to be wife's. O nce the marriages were completely arranged the wedding plans began. The two cultures to me seem to actually have a lot of common marriage practices. Kind of shocking how closely they do things even being two separate cultures. I feel that the children should be able to have a say into who they marry and spend the rest of their lives with. The two cultures that were described in this paper lead to finding regarding the marriage practices of the Jews and Eskimos.

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